“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. And I hope somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.”
Dear 2014… I have to say, you were so good to me.
In 2014, an enormous dream came true. The dream of becoming an entrepreneur, small business owner and principal wedding planner at my own boutique wedding planning company finally became a reality. On January 1st, 2014, I started the new year off with this thought in mind: a year from now you will wish you had started today. This was my mantra throughout these past 365 days. With every single overwhelming decision, I kept my dream and end goal in mind. When I came to crossroads I thought to myself “a leap of faith will do me good.” And as a result, Always Yours Events opened its doors this past July!
I have to say, 2014 will go down as one of the most prosperous years in my life.
I hope you all can find the strength, faith and courage inside you to pursue your dreams in this beautiful year of 2015. And allow yourself to take that leap of faith! Au revoir 2014! Cheers to 2015!